August 25, 2007

 Pangaea Activity Was Back After 2-Month Break

kyoto20070825.jpg We had Pangaea Activity in Kyoto today. It had been 2 months since we held last one. Due to typhoon, we had to call off our activities a month ago. I was wondering if children could manage to join our activities because today is last Saturday of summer break. I was also anxious about their last minute situation, in which they might be having trouble with their leftover homework. In spite of my concerns, all kids vigorously showed up with suntans!
We recently added the function, so-called “portfolio”, into PangaeaNet. This function enables children to store all their works, just like albums, and easily share their own works any time with friends, who are allowed to stop in/out other virtual rooms through internet. Kids were working hard to design the cover page.

I hope the portfolio will be able to motivate children to feel a greater sense of interpersonal connection. Without contribution from Kadoppe, who is a technical volunteer in Kyoto, we couldn’t bring out the portfolio. We always appreciate Kadoppe’s support!! Creating the Pangaea Playing Cards in Kyoto has come to finish. I can’t wait to introduce our samples in our next activity.

I have another posting: L-chan, who has been participated in our activities since we started our program in Kyoto, is going abroad to study from this September. Since she was enrolled in high school in last April, she has been working with us more like a staff member, rather than a participant. She creates good atmosphere for all of us. We miss her, but at the same time we are looking forward to seeing her again when she comes back a year later. We took some pictures as our commemoration. I’ve sensed deep emotion as I realized growth and maturity in every kid, which I hadn’t seen a year before. I have been moved.

Posted by: kumakinoko | 1. Activity Report