November 01, 2016

 Pangaea Newsletter for November

Hello this is Newsletter Editor, Nomu-nomu, writing to you all the way from Europe, as I’m currently in Ireland.
The mornings here are already so cold that you can see your breath. I got in touch with my mother about the cold, and she sent me a large scarf. As it seems like it’s slowly turning into winter in Japan too, everyone please make sure to take care.

In Tokyo Honest Village this month it looks like everyone began making their playing card game. Please look on Pangaea’s Facebook page for the photographs. I was surprised to see “Bonsai trees” as one of the ideas. Some of the children this year are certainly refined! I look forward to seeing the playing cards that are made as it looks like they’ll be different to those made last year.

So in this month’s newsletter, we announce the winner for this year’s Volunteer of the Year. and we have a few words from the winner, Tsuno, about the award! Having supported Pangaea for a long time, the article tells us briefly about her thoughts. I hope you enjoy the article, it’s really wonderful.
1. Volunteer of the Year - A few words on the award - Tsuno
2. Review of the Organization’s Structure

1. Volunteer of the Year - A few words on the award - Tsuno
Hello, my name is Kadokawa. Everyone at Pangaea calls me “Tsuno”though. Thank you for giving me the prestigious Volunteer of the Year award. This is something I could’ve only dreamed that someone like me would get, so I’m not just happy but also extremely surprised.

I came across Pangaea about 10 years ago, as a Research Partner in charge of the “Language Grid Project” at work. When I first met everyone, I remember thinking that there was such an amazing energy that flowed there, and the people seemed so interesting. Although it’s been several years since I took part as a Facilitator, I’ve always empathized strongly with the Pangaea way of thinking - “So that the children of the world can convey their spirit on a personal level, we must get rid of prejudice against other countries.” I believe that when we don’t understand someone else, it scares us and this transforms into hatred and prejudice. Even if I am only able to help a little bit to help form the Pangaea way of thinking, it makes me very happy.

While I talk about helping, I’ve also gained a lot too. Whether a child or an adult, and whatever country they may have come from, I always believe that overcoming this and facing each other honestly as individuals is important. In addition, having a place where you can go at any time and be easily accepted, where not only the children but also the Pangaea staff can grow together, and then being able to see them grow into a better person, it gives me a sense of security and a new perspective in my everyday life.

I would like to continue having fun while carrying on at my own pace. Let’s keep working hard together everyone.

2. Review of the Organization’s Structure
As always, thank you for your continued support in all of Pangaea’s activities.
Through the activities, children from all over the world are able to meet, talk and connect with one another. At Pangaea, we aim to create a peaceful future for the next generation through these activities, and in order to make the activities more known particularly worldwide, we are reviewing the structure of the organization.

There are three main points that have come about following the review:
1) Members will have the right to have one child take part in the Pangaea yearlong program.
2) Members and student members can attend Facilitator training sessions free of charge (10,000 JPY for non-members).
3) We have created the new "Activity Location Membership". There is an annual fee of 200,000 JPY required to establish the activity location before any activities can be continued.

I am hoping that these changes will make the activities together with our members become more widely known.

I ask everyone who agrees with the aims behind the Pangaea activities to please become a member if you would like to be to help in making our activities more widely known, thank you.
To do this, go to the website and click on the button "Official membership" at the bottom of the page, where you pay via credit card or other payment methods.

Thank you very much for your support.
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* Registered Pangaea volunteer staffs
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Published by: Non-Profit Organization PANGAEA
Tel: +81-(0)75-741-8877 | Fax: +81-(0)75-741-8876
Zou Bldg. #301, 509 Kyogokucho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8035, Japan
Copyright (c) NPO PANGAEA. All Rights Reserved

Posted by: kyotohq | 3. Newsletter