August 04, 2009

 August 2009 Newsletter: Pangaea ring Ms. Ikume Fukutake

This month, a message from a mother whose son is our participant is featured in the Pangaea Ring. Her son joined our program three years ago and loves to create computer animations. In Kyoto, he has been our teacher and "onsite technical support" in the field of computer animation.

It's been three years since my son, 12 years old, joined Pangaea. The time passed quickly as a flash. I think he didn't understand what the Pangaea was at first, even though he listened to the explanation. However, he thought it's fun to be able to communicate with friends from all over the world through the Internet. That's why he joined Pangaea. And now, he is falling in love with Pangaea! He's always excited to go to Pangaea Activity.

In the beginning, it looks like he made so much trouble to the Pangaea staff that I even thought I'd better let him stay away from Pangaea Activity. Also, I didn't get what he did at Pangaea Activity. But, after a while, it turned out that he was enjoying various things with a computer such as drawing pictures and creating games in an intercultural communication context. Also, he enjoyed participating in the activity of calendar-making with all the participants from Japan and Korea. He always enjoys the activity and wants to have more. Currently, Pangaea Activity is once a month and he wishes to have more and more Pangaea Activities per month. Now, he can't wait to join a Webcam activity between Japan & Malaysia that will be held on July 25, 2009!

Thank you very much for letting him experience various things that he never had in his life. I would like to let him participate in Pangaea Activity to his wish!

Pangaea Supporter (Pangaean)
Ikume Fukutake

Posted by: kumakinoko | 3. Newsletter , 4. Pangaea Ring