April 05, 2009

 Apr 2009 Newsletter: Pangaea ring - Ms. Mina Hasegawa

We asked a mother whose daughter is participating in our program to write her thoughts on Pangaea. So the mother is the Pangaea Ring writer for this month. Her story touched my heart. Her daughter joined our program three years ago, and has voluntarily helped us in taking care of new participants and cleaning up our activity room.

With my sincere thanks to all of the Pangaea staffers

After being teased about her drawing at school
My daughter stopped drawing in front of other people
When she was only with me, she would still draw
Paintings that really showed her true character
Which may not be so accomplished yet I loved them with all my heart.

After a while my daughter met Pangaea
Where everyone accepted her drawings
She found a place where she was happy being herself
And started drawing eagerly with her own style even outside of Pangaea

What Pangaea taught my daughter and me, was the importance of
"Accepting others even if you don't understand them"

Each one of us has different ideas and ways of looking at things
This is so even in a family
I love my child very deeply
Just like any other mothers in the world
Although there are things that I cannot understand about my child
Or things on which I cannot agree with her
Yet, I still love my child unconditionally and freely
We can accept each other, even if we do not understand each other
That way, we can continue on living in a small house as a family.
I believe Pangaea is a larger version of such house.

After an encounter with Pangaea during her elementary school days,
Pangaea has become my daughter's cozy corner
She graduated from Pangaea as she graduated from elementary school
Yet she seems to be able to make friends by herself in the new world that
she is in.
No of us ever think of starting a war with our friend's country, do we.
I wish and pray that many children as well as grownups will meet
Many friends whom we can call 'comrades'
By coming to Pangaea or traveling afar with Pangaea.

Mina Hasegawa
Pangaea supporter (Pangaean)

Posted by: kumakinoko | 3. Newsletter , 4. Pangaea Ring