May 08, 2008

 May 2008 Newsletter: Pangaea ring - Mr. Hayato Sagawa

Hello everyone. My name is Hayato Sagawa or "Guts" as people call me. I am a technical development volunteer for Pangaea.

My first encounter with Pangaea was at a resting lounge room in a building. I had seen Yumi, the director of Pangaea, in this lounge room a number of times before and one time, she told me about her activity. It opened up the door to Pangaea for me. I felt a strong sympathy toward Pangaea's cross cultural communication activity and asked her if I could be of any help. I still remember the moment as if it were yesterday.

I was welcome by the Pangaea staffers and almost a year has passed since then. I provide support mainly in developing the Pangaea multilingual community site used by Pangaea volunteers. Development of this site was conducted with a purpose of enabling the Pangaea volunteers around the world to hold smooth communication without being entrenched by the language barriers. Language Grid service was adopted in multilingual translation program on this site. I have had the opportunities to meet many new people and develop good relationship with them during the course of my being involved in Pangaea activities sometimes as a Language Grid Service developer and other times as a service user.

When I participated in the Pangaea activity the other day, I was deeply touched by the view of each child demonstrating his/her unique sensitivity The view of all the children playing and having much fun filled my heart with warm feelings.

The activities provide the children around the world with the opportunities to meet play and laugh together.
I want them to have more fun. I want them to experience so much more. I am proud of being a part of Pangaea although I'm a very small part of it. I wish to continue providing support to the best of my ability for Pangaea activity which I believe will nurture rich spirits in the children around the globe whose hands hold the future of the world.

Hayato Sagawa
executive director
Global Developers Japan Co.,Ltd

Posted by: kumakinoko | 3. Newsletter , 4. Pangaea Ring